Zhang Minyi

Zhang Minyi

She joined Spring Airlines IT department in 2010 and was responsible for the development and operation of domestic and foreign database marketing projects. As a result of her work, Spring Airlines became the first airline to use intelligent database marketing.

In 2011, she was appointed as Director of Online Marketing and Operations and was charged with developing Spring Travel’s official website. She also ensured that (www.springairlines.com) operated successfully. During this time the proportion of online sales skyrocketed by 380%.

After returning to Spring Airlines in 2013, where she served as Customer Relations Director, she oversaw the development of new membership, CRM, and DMS systems as well as the Company’s direct conversion project.

Recently, she has worked on Spring Airlines new domain (www.ch.com) and is responsbile for domestic and overseas digital marketing.

She won first prize for the Shanghai division in the National E-commerce Engineer Contest and has been recognized as one of China’s top e-commerce engineers.
