Jay Xie

Jay Xie

Mr. Jay Xie was graduated from Western Ontario University and Institute of Economics of University Maastricht respectively. After graduation, he started his career as auditor in Deloitte and consultant in multiple IT information technology consulting firms.

In 2005, Jay was appointed as the position of Managing Director of webpower China andofficially took charge of General Manager positon in 2009. During his tenure, Jay was dedicated in developing a standardized and normalized development of email marketing in Chinese market. All thanks to Jay’s acute insights in this market, webpower China has gained its’ “duel-championship” position in Chinese market: the biggest brand awareness and the largest market share. Jay has always been regarded as the leading expert among email marketing industry in China all through these years.

In 2014, under Jay’s lead, webpower China adjusted its’ development strategy from an email marketing service provider to an Intelligent multi-channel marketing service provider in order to meet the demands of multidimensional marketing from businesses, to help enterprises excavate users’ desires and to bring values to the customers.
