Ric Di Ianni

Ric Di Ianni

Ric started his career in film, TV & advertising managing a sound stage in NYC at the age of 23 and working with many Oscar and Clio winning directors, DPs and actors including, Sir Richard Attenborough, Woody Allen & Mike Nichols,

Since starting House Films in 1998, Ric has produced or directed over 1,000 projects from high budget TVCs, to TV reality shows, sit-coms and lifestyle shows, including the first and only Chinese reality show in the USA, Quest USA, Da Tiao Zhan.

As a director Ric has won a Gold medal at the New York Festivals, Gold at Worldfest, Houston as well as multiple Telly Awards

Since coming to China in 2005 , Ric has produced 16 brand funded TV shows, including the # 1 wine education show in China as well as The first multinational reality show in China and the first fitnes reality show in China.

Ric’s shows receive million of views being screened across all media in China & Asia from satellite & terrestrial broadcast to all new media platforms and cable TV. House Films has worked with the top celebrities in China including Jet Li, David Wu & Li Binging.

Brand sponsors in China, include Ford, Burger King, Barilla, Technogym, WMF, Everlast, Miele, Suntory and more.
