Peking Tan

Peking Tan

Peking Tan is responsible for Millward Brown’s R&D and innovation. He developed and standardized an array of data analytics and market research models by integrating cutting-edge fields of science including IT, data mining and cognition.

He worked with Miaozhen Systems in 2009 and developed AdMonitor and MixReach, a new generation AD review system that monitors online ads and provides the cloud-based iGRP of the target audience. Early in 2005, he led a team in developing an online sample platform, which later became one of China’s largest online sample databases and was incorporated in the Lightspeed Research company.

As an expert in brands, ads and media, he translated The Global Brand, The Advertised Mind, and Grow: How Ideals Power Growth and Profit at the World’s Greatest Companies, etc. He offers advice to clients about brand building, ads effect investigation and ROI.

