Lawrence Wan

Lawrence Wan

Lawrence heads both the search and performance marketing agency iProspect, along with AMNET, the trading desk unit under Aegis China

Prior to working at Aegis, he was a Principal Consultant at Effisis Digital. There, he was advising on business and product incubation for various fast-growing digital media start-ups. The incubation consulting included building data-driven display ad platform business, setting up an agency’s social media practices, repackaging mobile media for brand advertising and building a social platform for a digital outdoor network.

Previously, Lawrence was MD, GroupM e-Business Solutions in China, incubating new innovations in data, technology and digital marketing services. He also was the former General Manager, Digital at Omnicom Media Group (OMG) China. There, he managed OMG digital disciplines along with the digital operations for its 2 agency networks OMD and PHD. Clients managed included Apple, Intel, General Electric, Hewlett Packard, Johnson & Johnson and Unilever. Other senior roles included PCCW Directories, Effisis, HK’s first pay-per-click contextual search ad network, Euro RSCG Interaction HK, and Modem Media.

Active digital marketing evangelist, participating in industry events speaking at AD:Tech, CAA, CASBAA, DCCI, DSZR, ROI Awards, and SES, along with regularly contributing to industry trade press including Campaign Magazine, Ad Age and
