Julius Jiang

Julius Jiang

Julius Jiang is 37 years old. He started his career in 1997 as an university teacher, taught economics and international trade theory. Then Julius achieved his economics master degree in 2003. After that he started his marketing career in L’Oreal China as the product manager on Vichy. In 2005, Julius moved to Unilever China as the brand manager on Lipton and Knorr. Julius joined Pepsico China in 2007 as the senior marketing manager on Tropicana which was Pepsi China’s first juice brand. After a successful launch campaign, Tropicana became the No.4 juice brand and No.1 blend juice brand in China. In 2010, Julius was promoted to Associate Marketing Director, responsible on 7up business. He successfully led brand communications to be more digital and consumer experience oriented. In 2012, Julius joined New Balance China as the marketing director.
