Zoe Zhou, EF’s Senior Digital Marketing Director joins ADMS’s Roundtable of Programmatic Buying Wave

Zoe Zhou

Zoe Zhou, EF’s Senior Digital Marketing Director joins ADMS’s Roundtable of Programmatic Buying Wave

Zoe has 8 years of experience in digital marketing. In 2008 she joined EF Education First, the world’s largest private education company, as a Senior Digital Marketing Director. In this role she is heading up the digital marketing team for EF’s English learning service for adults, and leading the development & implementation of all multi-channel marketing & oversees operations across all digital touch points. Riding the digital wave, EF has grown at double-digit annual growth rates and became the one of the most well-known education brands in China during the past 5 years. Prior to working with EF, Zoe was an early member of the Google China team, providing optimization solutions for top-tier AdWords advertisers.


