Forrester Report Steers Mobile Marketers Away from Mistakes



Forrester Report Steers Mobile Marketers Away from Mistakes 300×263 Forrester Report Steers Mobile Marketers Away from MistakesMarketers are struggling to define their mobile objectives and manage their mobile performances, and according to a new report from, CIOs and CMOs need to reverse the trend on these missed mobile marketing opportunities.

According to the data presented, 29% of the executives in question are still experimenting with mobile measurement techniques. 57% of marketers don’t have defined mobile objectives, and few are using emerging tools to track and analyze mobile user activity across channels.

Forrester, which offers a multi-step plan to better measure mobile marketing efforts, is behind the new report.

Marketers must define precisely what actions they would like their users to take instead of looking for traditional audience objectives. When it comes to increasing engagement via a mobile app, it is likely you want your customers to take specific actions like posting a photo, liking content, or requesting information.

Also, in order to improve the user experience and get the most out of their mobile marketing investment, marketers need to understand how mobile users are navigating the app and identify publishers and ad networks that drive qualified traffic. Forrester says they need real-time analytics to segment mobile customers to target certain customers during critical moments.

To download Forrester’s “Make The Most Of Analytics To Meet Your Mobile Objectives,” click here.



