Wang Youwei

Wang Youwei

Professor Wang is currently the associate professor of MIS, Mobile and big data in school of management, Fudan University. He had been the visiting professor of McMaster University (2005-2006) and the University of Western Ontario (2007-2008).

Professor Wang experts in E-commerce, mobile commerce, ICT Adoption, Meta-Heuristic Algorithms, Data Mining, Decision Support Systems, business intelligence, etc. And thus published more than 30 academic theses as well as articles in European Journal of Marketing, Decision Support Systems, Journal of Global Information Management, Journal of Systems Engineering, Science & Technology Review. He conducted as the principal investigator more than 13 research programs of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Education of China, etc. With academic works Intelligent Websites, Mobile Commerce, he is also awarded the New Century Excellent Talents in University by Ministry of Education in 2012, as well as various best paper or best scholar awards.
